
"Hekimin Görevi Kötüye Kullanma Suçu” (Misconduct of the Physician) Author: Att. Serenay Ağın Publisher: Aristo Yayınevi Year: 2021
"Erasure of the Health Data” Author: Intern Att. Serenay Ağın Published In: IV. International Medical Law Congress Presentations Book Vol.3, 2021, p. 237-251
“Legal Issues Frequently Encountered in Paedicatric Clinics Brought to the Court of Cassation’s Attention” Authors: Att. Gülce Candemir & Intern Att. Serenay Ağın Published In: IV. International Medical Law Congress Presentations Book Vol. 2, 2021, p.95-139
"Evolution of Health Law in Turkey" Authors: Serenay Agin & Ertunc Mega Published in: History and Philosophy of Medicine, 2022, Vol:4 Year Published: 2022
Estetik Müdahalelerin Hukuki Nitelendirmesi ve Hekimin Özel Hukuk Sorumluluğu / Legal Qualification of Aesthetical Medical Interventions and Private Law Liabilities of the Physician Author: Att. Serenay Ağın Published in: İzmir Barosu Dergisi Yıl: 86 • Sayı: 3 • Eylül 2021 • S.153-185 Year: 2021
“Potential Problems and Solutions in the Context of Health Tourism” Authors: Att. Yunus Can Kır & Att. Serenay Ağın Published In: V. International Medical Law Congress Presentations Book, 2021, p.235-251